Tips / Links

See helpful tips and support items below:


Car Seat Clinics:
The Family Outreach Resource Centre has several trained Child
Restraint Technicians on staff. Car Seat Safety Checks are available upon request. Please call 709-634-2316 to arrange a time.  

Rear Facing Car Seats:
Infants must remain in a rear facing car seat until they are 22 lbs and able to walk unassisted. Some manufacturers require the child to also be one year of age before going forward facing. Always refer to the
instruction manual for your car seat. It is recommended to keep your child rear facing for as long as 
possible .

Rear Facing installation video

Forward Facing Car Seats:
Children must remain in a forward facing car seat until they are 40 lbs. Always refer to the instruction manual for your car seat.

Forward Facing Car Seat Installation

Booster Seats:
Newfoundland and Labrador Highway Traffic Act states that a child must remain in a booster seat until they are 8 years old and 80lbs and 4’9inches. Always refer to the instruction manual for your car seat. Please note that each province has their own regulations regarding booster seats, so check with your provinces Highway Traffic Act.

Booster Seat Installation


DoorWays  (Mental Health And Addictions walk in )
Association for New Canadians
Western Health
Baby Friendly NL
Tree House Family Resource Centre
City of Corner Brook
Child and Youth Advocate
Transport Canada (Car Seats)

Child Passenger Safety Association of Canada